British DX Club
DX / Media / Mailbag Programmes - A12
(July-October 2012)
MONDAY 0110v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0210v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0310v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0410v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0500 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 0510v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0610v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0730 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 11725 1030 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7270 13695 15020 15410 17510 17800 17895 1130 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 9655 1130 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1145 WWCR "Australian DX Report" (Bob Padula): 15825 1245 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 15825 (5th & 1st Monday) 1330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 6170 1430 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 9690 11620 13710 1630 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 7440 1730 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 3230me 1830 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7400 7410 7550 9415 11580 11670 11935 2120 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7550 9445 9910 11620 11670 11715 2330 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 6055 7305 9950 11670 13605 TUESDAY 0330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 15720 0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj 0930 Hamburger Local R “World of Radio”: 5980 1832 BBC World Service “Click”: Online UK DABetc 1935v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760 2335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 5040 WEDNESDAY 0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd 0135v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0235v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0332 BBC World Service “Click”: online, 198LW UK DAB etc 0335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0435v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0535v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0635v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 1032 BBC World Service “Click”: online, UK DAB etc 1530 BBC R4 "The Media Show": 198LW MW FM DAB online 1845 RAE Buenos Aires “DX Special”: 15345v 1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 9500 9580 9710 11660 11880 THURSDAY 0245 RAE Buenos Aires "DX Special": 11710 0330 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj 1530 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 5940 5995 7240 9475 11660 11880 1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 9500 9580 9710 11660 11880 2100 WTWW “World of Radio”: 9479 FRIDAY 0330 WWRB “World of Radio”: 5050 1530 BBC R4 ”Feedback”: 198LW, MW, FM DAB online 1845v RAE Buenos Aires "DXers Supplement": 15345v 2035 R New Zealand Int "Mailbox": 11725 SATURDAY 0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd 0100 WRMI “Media Network Plus”: online, 9955 0130v WBCQ Area 51 “World of Radio”: 5110 0245v RAE Buenos Aires “DXers Supplement”: 11710 0510 R Japan "Media Watch": 5975wo 6110ca 11970fr (3rd or 4th Sat) 0605 WWCR "Into Tomorrow": 4840 0800 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-EuAfAs (incl WorldSpace Afristar West) 0810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570 0800 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1010 R Japan "Media Watch ": 9625 9695kr (3rd or 4th Sat) 1210 KBS World R “Worldwide Friendship”: 9650ca 1210 R Japan "Media Watch": 6120ca 9695 (3rd or 4th Sat) 1245 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15450 1300 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-Eu (incl. Sky channel 0122) 1310 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570 1310 R Japan "Media Watch": 15735ta (3rd or 4th Sat) 1400 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-AfAs (incl.WorldSpace Afristar West) 1410 R Japan "Media Watch": 11705pw 15735ta (3rd or 4th Sat) 1500 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1600 WWCR Nashville "Australian DX Report ": 12160 1610 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9515 9640 1615 WWCR Nashville “Ask WWCR”: 12160 1630 WWCR Nashville “Wavescan”: 12160 1645 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15520 1730 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-NAm stream 1730 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 7275 1810 R Japan "Media Watch": 15720md (3rd or 4th Sat) 1845 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9785 2045 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 7205 2100 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-NAm (incl. Sirius/XM) 9955-wrmi 2110 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 3955uk 2115v REE Madrid “Radio Waves” (irreg): 9650 2215 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9830 SUNDAY 0015v REE Madrid “Radio Waves”: 6055 0150 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, 198LW, UK DAB etc 0210 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9580 0315 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 6165 9515 0400 WHRI “DXing With Cumbre”: 9825 0400 WTWW “World of Radio”: 5755 0432 BBCWS “Click”: Online, online, UK DAB 0500 WWCR Nashville “Into Tomorrow”: 4840 0510 R Japan "Friends Around the World ": 5975wo 6110ca 11970fr 0600 WWCR Nashville "Into Tomorrow": 4840 0800 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 7205me 17570me 0800 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 0830 WRN "World of Radio": WRN-NAm stream 0945 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 4840 0950 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, UK DAB 1010 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 9625 9695kr 1200 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 17535we 1210 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 6120ca 9695 1310 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15735ta 1410 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 11705pw 15735ta 1500 DXing With Cumbre: WRN-Eu 1530 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1530 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15255we 1600 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11825gm 15360gm 1630 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11740tr 1730 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-NAm stream 1730 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1810 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15720md 1902 BBCR4 ”Feedback”: 198LW MW FM DAB online 1910v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760 2130 WHRI: “DXing With Cumbre”: 17510 2132 BBCWS “Click”: Online, UK DAB 2230 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 9730tr 2310v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 5040 WEB SITES Web sites for DX & Media programmes: many of these have live or archived audio or programme scripts. Ask WWCR (live): Australian DX Report: BBCR4 Feedback: (live+archive) BBC World Service “Click”: R Bulgaria Answering Your Letters (Saturdays): (click on “The Programme” for audio) DXers Unlimited: DXing With Cumbre (live): DXing With Cumbre (podcast): via Facebook page ‘CumbreDX/DXing With Cumbre’ DX PartyLine: (archive) Gadget Detective: Happy Station/Media Network Plus: R Japan: KBS World Radio: Laser Goes DX Media Network Plus: RCI Mailbag (archive): RNZI Mailbag: World of Radio: World of Radio (live): WRMI:
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