Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
e-QSL from European Music Radio via Internet
New e-QSL Received
Station: European Music Radio
RR Send: 15/07/2012
Reply on: 17/07/2012
QSL Details: e-QSL (MS Office .Doc file)
Promotional Materials: 2012 EMR Info Sheet
Stream: via Radio 700 6005 KHz
Bitrate: 64 kbps
Other info: RR Send to: studio@emr.org.uk, Verified by: Tom & Mike Taylor, Replied via: emrsw@sky.com
Saturday, July 14, 2012
AIR 1000 kW MW Transmitter at Rajkot
Deputy Director General (AIR) on Commissioning the 1000 kW MW Transmitter at Rajkot
One Mega Watt (1000 kW) Medium Wave Transmitter at Rajkot was initially commissioned on 1.7.1971 to broadcast the external services of All India Radio particularly in Urdu, Sindhi and Baluchi for the benefit of audiences across the western borders of India. Now this transmitter has been replaced by a new DRM transmitter of the same capacity, supplied by M/s Thomson, France. The transmitter is ready for commissioning.
The transmitter is capable of broadcasting in analogue, simulcast and DRM Modes. Initially, the programmes will be broadcast in simulcast mode. The normal programmes will be broadcast in analogue mode and the popular Vividh Bharati Service of All India Radio will be broadcast in DRM mode. With the commissioning of this transmitter, there will be significant improvement in the audio reception quality and reliability of signal in the target area.
Total hours of broadcast will be 14 hrs 15 minutes per day. The transmission timings will be from 0545 hrs to 1000 hrs, 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs and from 1800 hrs to 0100 hrs.
The transmitter is already carrying test transmissions and formal date of commissioning is expected to be announced soon.
O K Sharma, Deputy Director General (AIR)
Source www.drm.org
All India Radio,
Friday, July 13, 2012
DX / Media / Mailbag Programmes - A12
British DX Club
DX / Media / Mailbag Programmes - A12
(July-October 2012)
MONDAY 0110v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0210v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0310v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0410v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0500 WRMI “World of Radio”: 9955 0510v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0610v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0730 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 11725 1030 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7270 13695 15020 15410 17510 17800 17895 1130 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 9655 1130 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1145 WWCR "Australian DX Report" (Bob Padula): 15825 1245 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 15825 (5th & 1st Monday) 1330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 6170 1430 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 9690 11620 13710 1630 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 7440 1730 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 3230me 1830 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7400 7410 7550 9415 11580 11670 11935 2120 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7550 9445 9910 11620 11670 11715 2330 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 6055 7305 9950 11670 13605 TUESDAY 0330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 15720 0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj 0930 Hamburger Local R “World of Radio”: 5980 1832 BBC World Service “Click”: Online UK DABetc 1935v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760 2335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 5040 WEDNESDAY 0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd 0135v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0235v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0332 BBC World Service “Click”: online, 198LW UK DAB etc 0335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0435v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050 0535v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 0635v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125 1032 BBC World Service “Click”: online, UK DAB etc 1530 BBC R4 "The Media Show": 198LW MW FM DAB online 1845 RAE Buenos Aires “DX Special”: 15345v 1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 9500 9580 9710 11660 11880 THURSDAY 0245 RAE Buenos Aires "DX Special": 11710 0330 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj 1530 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 5940 5995 7240 9475 11660 11880 1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 9500 9580 9710 11660 11880 2100 WTWW “World of Radio”: 9479 FRIDAY 0330 WWRB “World of Radio”: 5050 1530 BBC R4 ”Feedback”: 198LW, MW, FM DAB online 1845v RAE Buenos Aires "DXers Supplement": 15345v 2035 R New Zealand Int "Mailbox": 11725 SATURDAY 0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd 0100 WRMI “Media Network Plus”: online, 9955 0130v WBCQ Area 51 “World of Radio”: 5110 0245v RAE Buenos Aires “DXers Supplement”: 11710 0510 R Japan "Media Watch": 5975wo 6110ca 11970fr (3rd or 4th Sat) 0605 WWCR "Into Tomorrow": 4840 0800 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-EuAfAs (incl WorldSpace Afristar West) 0810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570 0800 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1010 R Japan "Media Watch ": 9625 9695kr (3rd or 4th Sat) 1210 KBS World R “Worldwide Friendship”: 9650ca 1210 R Japan "Media Watch": 6120ca 9695 (3rd or 4th Sat) 1245 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15450 1300 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-Eu (incl. Sky channel 0122) 1310 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570 1310 R Japan "Media Watch": 15735ta (3rd or 4th Sat) 1400 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-AfAs (incl.WorldSpace Afristar West) 1410 R Japan "Media Watch": 11705pw 15735ta (3rd or 4th Sat) 1500 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1600 WWCR Nashville "Australian DX Report ": 12160 1610 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9515 9640 1615 WWCR Nashville “Ask WWCR”: 12160 1630 WWCR Nashville “Wavescan”: 12160 1645 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15520 1730 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-NAm stream 1730 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 7275 1810 R Japan "Media Watch": 15720md (3rd or 4th Sat) 1845 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9785 2045 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 7205 2100 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-NAm (incl. Sirius/XM) 9955-wrmi 2110 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 3955uk 2115v REE Madrid “Radio Waves” (irreg): 9650 2215 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9830 SUNDAY 0015v REE Madrid “Radio Waves”: 6055 0150 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, 198LW, UK DAB etc 0210 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9580 0315 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 6165 9515 0400 WHRI “DXing With Cumbre”: 9825 0400 WTWW “World of Radio”: 5755 0432 BBCWS “Click”: Online, online, UK DAB 0500 WWCR Nashville “Into Tomorrow”: 4840 0510 R Japan "Friends Around the World ": 5975wo 6110ca 11970fr 0600 WWCR Nashville "Into Tomorrow": 4840 0800 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 7205me 17570me 0800 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 0830 WRN "World of Radio": WRN-NAm stream 0945 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 4840 0950 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, UK DAB 1010 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 9625 9695kr 1200 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 17535we 1210 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 6120ca 9695 1310 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15735ta 1410 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 11705pw 15735ta 1500 DXing With Cumbre: WRN-Eu 1530 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1530 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15255we 1600 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11825gm 15360gm 1630 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11740tr 1730 Glenn Hauser’s “World of Radio”: WRN-NAm stream 1730 WRMI Miami “World of Radio”: online 9955 1810 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15720md 1902 BBCR4 ”Feedback”: 198LW MW FM DAB online 1910v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760 2130 WHRI: “DXing With Cumbre”: 17510 2132 BBCWS “Click”: Online, UK DAB 2230 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 9730tr 2310v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 5040 WEB SITES Web sites for DX & Media programmes: many of these have live or archived audio or programme scripts. Ask WWCR (live): www.wwcr.com Australian DX Report: http://bpadula.tripod.com/ BBCR4 Feedback: www.bbc.co.uk/radio4 (live+archive) BBC World Service “Click”: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/default.stm R Bulgaria Answering Your Letters (Saturdays): http://www.bnr.bg/sites/en (click on “The Programme” for audio) DXers Unlimited: http://dxersunlimited.blogspot.com DXing With Cumbre (live): www.whri.com DXing With Cumbre (podcast): via Facebook page ‘CumbreDX/DXing With Cumbre’ DX PartyLine: www.hcjb.org/dxpl/audio.php (archive) Gadget Detective: www.gadgetdetective.com Happy Station/Media Network Plus: www.pcjmedia.com R Japan: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/radio/program/index.html KBS World Radio: http://world.kbs.co.kr/English Laser Goes DX http://laserhothits.atspace.com/webplayer.htm Media Network Plus: http://www.pcjmedia.com/medianetworkplus RCI Mailbag (archive): www.rcinet.ca RNZI Mailbag: www.rnzi.com/pages/audio.php World of Radio: www.worldofradio.com World of Radio (live): www.wwcr.com WRMI: www.wrmi.net
.:: DX Hobby! ::.: DX-info! -The Radio Explorer!
.:: DX Hobby! ::.: DX-info! -The Radio Explorer!:
DX-info! -The Radio Explorer! Version 7.0
Freeware tool to View and Search in International Radio Frequency Schedules.
DX-info! -The Radio Explorer! Version 7.0
Freeware tool to View and Search in International Radio Frequency Schedules.
Monday, July 9, 2012
AWR: First New Guam Antenna Goes Live
Press Release: First New Guam Antenna Goes Live
Source: AWR Website
by Shelley Nolan Freesland
AWR Communication Director
AWR Communication Director

Earlier this year, AWR began work on a $2.9 million project at the 25-year-old station, in order to improve its broadcasts to numerous countries in Asia. Phase one required the relocation of one of the existing towers, to accommodate the replacement of a low-frequency antenna with a higher-frequency one. The average height of the station’s towers is 256 feet, while the average size of its curtain antennas is 236 by 260 feet – approximately the size of two football fields. While this work was going on, AWR’s broadcasts from this antenna were shifted to a commercial shortwave station in Sri Lanka for several months, so that listeners could receive uninterrupted service.
“Completing this phase is a huge feat and a major milestone,” says AWR president Dowell Chow, “as it now enables us to broadcast over frequencies that will better reach our target audiences in countries such as Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, and more. The pressure was on to keep this installation on schedule, as construction is virtually impossible during Guam’s rainy season. I wish to commend all of our engineers and other staff on Guam – Brook Powers, Sammy Gregory, Karl Forshee, Victor Shepherd, and Gordon Garner – as well as our frequency engineer, Claudius Dedio, for the exceptional effort and overtime they have put into the upgrade. Along with project chair/board member Loney Duncan, their years of experience have enabled them to develop innovative solutions to the challenges that inevitably arise in a project of this size and complexity.”
Chow continues, “As well, we appreciate the working relationship we have had for many years with TCI International Inc., who custom-designed and manufactured our two new antennas, as well as Communications Technology Broadcasting Ltd., who was contracted to manage the installation and sent a team from South Africa.”
TCI vice president Ron Wilensky attests that proceeding from the project quote stage to the first on-air transmission from the new antenna in less than a year “is a formidable achievement in the high-power broadcast world and a testament to the AWR/TCI team.”
Work will resume early next year, after the current rainy season has passed and it is possible to begin moving soil and pouring concrete. This second phase – which will be even more labor-intensive – will consist of erecting a new tower and adding a new, high-frequency curtain antenna. When that antenna is operational, AWR will be able to transmit simultaneous broadcasts to China and countries such as North Korea, Myanmar, and Vietnam, reaching listeners in multiple countries during each of their respective peak listening times.
Chow says, “The Guam station has served our needs for 25 years in carrying the gospel to the unreached people of Asia in their own languages. From this tiny island, programs can currently be heard in 34 languages, for 287 hours/week. When this upgrade is completed, we expect that our facility will be in a good position to continue broadcasting for the next 25 years.”
Adventist World Radio,
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Short-wave radio not lost to Internet
Short-wave radio not lost to Internet
LONDON, July 7 (UPI) -- Many short-wave radio broadcasters have moved to Internet streaming, but others say they are filling the newly empty spectrum to reach remote areas like Africa.
Budget cuts have led state-funded Radio Canada International......
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/TV/2012/07/07/Short-wave-radio-not-lost-to-Internet/UPI-86811341670760/#ixzz203LMkq3l
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Radio Netherlands QSL
New QSL from Radio Netherlands
RR Submitted via email: 09.04.2012
Reply via postal : 03.07.2012
QSL Theme: A Dutch Morning - RNW Building Hilversum
Promotional Items: Holland Gardens & Country Estates 24x40''- Booklet, RNW Africa Card, 2 RNW Stickers, June 29th Closing info.
Holland Gardens & Country Estates 24x40''- Booklet
RNW Africa Card
Radio Netherlands,
Monday, July 2, 2012
Adventist World Radio - Schedule for July 2012
AWR will continue it's transmission from Trincomalee (Sri Lanka) untill last of July.
AWR Short Wave Broadcast Schedule - (A12 : 2012 July 02 to 2012 July 27)
SEA Site Start Stop Language Service Area kHz m kW Days
A12 SDA 0000 0030 Burmese Myanmar 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin NE-China 12025 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin C/N-China 17880 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0030 0100 Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 TAI 0100 0200 Vietnamese Vietnam 15445 19 100 7
A12 SDA 0100 0200 Mandarin S-China 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 MOS 0200 0230 Urdu Pakistan 9690 31 300 1234567
A12 MOS 0230 0300 Panjabi Pakistan 9690 31 300 1234567
A12 MDC 0230 0330 Malagasy Madagascar 3215 90 50 1234567
A12 WER 0300 0330 Oromo S-Ethiopia 11610 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 0300 0330 Tigrinya Eritrea 6065 49 250 1234567
A12 SDA 0300 0330 Russian E-Russia 17645 16 100 1234567
A12 WER 0330 0400 Amharic Ethiopia 11610 25 250 1234567
A12 MOS 0330 0430 Farsi Iran 9505 31 300 1234567
A12 WER 0400 0600 Arabic Egypt, Arab Peninsula, Iraq 15225 19 250 1234567
A12 WER 0400 0430 Bulgarian Bulgaria 6020 49 100 1234567
A12 MOS 0430 0500 French Morocco, Algeria 6155 49 300 1234567
A12 WER 0700 0800 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0800 0830 Kabyle Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0800 0830 French Morocco, Algeria 15140 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0830 0900 Tachelhit Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 ISS 0900 1000 Italian Italy 9790 31 100 1
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin C/N-China 12010 25 100 234567
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Cantonese C/N-China 12010 25 100 1
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin S-China 17520 16 100 234567
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Cantonese S-China 17520 16 100 1
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano Philippines 17550 16 100 1
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog Philippines 17550 16 100 23
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilonggo Philippines 17550 16 100 45
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog Philippines 17550 16 100 7
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano Philippines 17550 16 100 6
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin S-China 12080 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin NE-China 11775 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1100 1130 Indonesian W-Indonesia 15540 19 125 1234567
A12 TRM 1130 1200 Javanese Indonesia, Malaysia 15540 19 125 246
A12 TRM 1130 1200 Sundanese Indonesia, Malaysia 15540 19 125 1357
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 WER 1200 1230 English NE-India, Bangladesh 17535 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin NE-China 9800 31 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Korean Korea 9880 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1200 1300 Mandarin S-China 15490 19 125 1234567
A12 WER 1230 1300 Bangla NE-India, Bangladesh 17535 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1330 Kachin Myanmar 15445 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Khmer Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 1234567
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Mandarin W-China 15320 19 250 23456
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Uighur W-China 15320 19 250 17
A12 MDC 1300 1400 Vietnamese Vietnam 17670 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1400 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1330 Bangla Bangladesh 15215 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Malay Malaysia 15660 19 100 237
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Russian E-Russia 9720 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Thai Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 2346
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Hmong Thailand 15660 19 100 56
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Assamese NE-India 15660 19 100 14
A12 TRM 1330 1500 Mandarin W-China 15320 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Lao Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 57
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Khmer Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 1
A12 SDA 1400 1430 Sinhalese Sri Lanka 15165 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1400 1500 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 125 1234567
A12 MOS 1400 1430 Urdu Pakistan 15440 19 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin S-China 13575 22 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1400 1430 Asho Chin Myanmar 11965 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1430 1500 Burmese Myanmar 15715 19 100 1234567
A12 MDC 1430 1530 Malagasy Madagascar 6155 49 50 1234567
A12 SDA 1430 1500 PWO W Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 12065 25 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1430 1500 Afar Djibouti, NE-Ethiopia, Somalia 17605 16 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Telugu S-India 11640 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Mizo NE-India 15690 19 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1500 1530 Turkish Turkey 11880 25 300 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Panjabi N-India 15255 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Nepali Nepal 15595 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 15715 19 125 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Tamil S-India 11870 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Kannada S-India 11780 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Hindi C-India 15605 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Malayalam S-India 11870 25 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Hindi N-India 15290 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Tibetan Nepal, Tibet 15255 19 250 56
A12 TRM 1530 1600 English Nepal, Tibet 15255 19 250 12347
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Marathi C-India 7410 41 125 1234567
A12 SDA 1600 1630 English C-India 15360 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1600 1630 Urdu N-India 11835 25 125 1234567
A12 MOS 1600 1630 Urdu Pakistan 15260 19 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1600 1630 English S-India 11825 25 100 1234567
A12 WER 1600 1630 Bulgarian Bulgaria 9830 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1630 1700 English N-India 11740 25 125 1234567
A12 WER 1630 1700 Somali Somalia 17575 16 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1630 1730 Farsi Iran 15150 19 300 1234567
A12 MEY 1700 1730 Kiswahili Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda 9600 31 250 1234567
A12 WER 1730 1800 Oromo S-Ethiopia 15155 19 250 1234567
A12 WER 1730 1800 Kabyle Morocco, Algeria 15170 19 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1730 1800 Masai Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda 9600 31 250 1234567
A12 MEY 1800 1830 English SW-Africa 3215 90 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1800 1830 English Botswana, S.-Africa, Zimbabwe 3345 90 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1830 1900 English E-Africa 11840 25 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1830 1900 Arabic Libya 11660 25 300 1234567
A12 WER 1900 1930 Wolof Senegal, Gambia 11945 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 1900 2100 Arabic Egypt, Arab Peninsula, Iraq 11605 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 1900 1930 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1900 1930 Hausa Nigeria 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 NAU 1900 1930 Fulfulde Cameroon, Ghana, (Senegal) 15205 19 100 1234567
A12 NAU 1900 2000 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 15260 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 1930 2000 Tachelhit Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 WER 1930 2000 Ibo E-Nigeria 15205 19 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1930 2000 French C-Africa 15220 19 300 1234567
A12 MOS 2000 2030 Dyula Burk. Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 WER 2000 2030 French Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 WER 2000 2030 French Cameroon, Niger 17610 16 100 1234567
A12 WER 2030 2100 Yoruba Nigeria 11755 25 100 1234567
A12 MOS 2030 2100 French W-Africa 15155 19 300 1234567
A12 MOS 2100 2130 English W-Africa 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 TRM 2100 2200 Mandarin C/N-China 11750 25 125 123456
A12 TRM 2100 2200 Cantonese C/N-China 11750 25 125 7
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Korean Korea 11790 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Cantonese W-Japan, S-China 15420 19 100 1
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin W-Japan, S-China 15420 19 100 234567
A12 SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 2200 2230 Javanese W-Indonesia 9545 31 125 135
A12 SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin C/N-China 15215 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 2200 2230 Sundanese W-Indonesia 9545 31 125 2467
A12 SDA 2230 2300 English W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Vietnamese Vietnam 17670 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin C/N-China 15370 19 100 1234567
TRM: These transmissions from Trincomalee (Perkara, Sri Lanka) temporarily replace transmissions from SDA during the antenna construction phase.
AWR Short Wave Broadcast Schedule - (A12 : 2012 July 02 to 2012 July 27)
SEA Site Start Stop Language Service Area kHz m kW Days
A12 SDA 0000 0030 Burmese Myanmar 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin NE-China 12025 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin C/N-China 17880 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 0030 0100 Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 TAI 0100 0200 Vietnamese Vietnam 15445 19 100 7
A12 SDA 0100 0200 Mandarin S-China 17650 16 100 1234567
A12 MOS 0200 0230 Urdu Pakistan 9690 31 300 1234567
A12 MOS 0230 0300 Panjabi Pakistan 9690 31 300 1234567
A12 MDC 0230 0330 Malagasy Madagascar 3215 90 50 1234567
A12 WER 0300 0330 Oromo S-Ethiopia 11610 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 0300 0330 Tigrinya Eritrea 6065 49 250 1234567
A12 SDA 0300 0330 Russian E-Russia 17645 16 100 1234567
A12 WER 0330 0400 Amharic Ethiopia 11610 25 250 1234567
A12 MOS 0330 0430 Farsi Iran 9505 31 300 1234567
A12 WER 0400 0600 Arabic Egypt, Arab Peninsula, Iraq 15225 19 250 1234567
A12 WER 0400 0430 Bulgarian Bulgaria 6020 49 100 1234567
A12 MOS 0430 0500 French Morocco, Algeria 6155 49 300 1234567
A12 WER 0700 0800 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0800 0830 Kabyle Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0800 0830 French Morocco, Algeria 15140 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 0830 0900 Tachelhit Morocco, Algeria 15225 19 100 1234567
A12 ISS 0900 1000 Italian Italy 9790 31 100 1
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin C/N-China 12010 25 100 234567
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Cantonese C/N-China 12010 25 100 1
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin S-China 17520 16 100 234567
A12 SDA 1000 1100 Cantonese S-China 17520 16 100 1
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano Philippines 17550 16 100 1
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog Philippines 17550 16 100 23
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilonggo Philippines 17550 16 100 45
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog Philippines 17550 16 100 7
A12 SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano Philippines 17550 16 100 6
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin S-China 12080 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin NE-China 11775 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1100 1130 Indonesian W-Indonesia 15540 19 125 1234567
A12 TRM 1130 1200 Javanese Indonesia, Malaysia 15540 19 125 246
A12 TRM 1130 1200 Sundanese Indonesia, Malaysia 15540 19 125 1357
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 WER 1200 1230 English NE-India, Bangladesh 17535 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin NE-China 9800 31 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1200 1300 Korean Korea 9880 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1200 1300 Mandarin S-China 15490 19 125 1234567
A12 WER 1230 1300 Bangla NE-India, Bangladesh 17535 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1330 Kachin Myanmar 15445 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Khmer Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 1234567
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Mandarin W-China 15320 19 250 23456
A12 TRM 1300 1330 Uighur W-China 15320 19 250 17
A12 MDC 1300 1400 Vietnamese Vietnam 17670 16 250 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1400 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1300 1330 Bangla Bangladesh 15215 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Malay Malaysia 15660 19 100 237
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Russian E-Russia 9720 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Thai Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 2346
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Hmong Thailand 15660 19 100 56
A12 SDA 1330 1400 Assamese NE-India 15660 19 100 14
A12 TRM 1330 1500 Mandarin W-China 15320 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Lao Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 57
A12 TRM 1330 1400 Khmer Cambod, Viet, Thai, Laos 17635 16 125 1
A12 SDA 1400 1430 Sinhalese Sri Lanka 15165 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1400 1500 Mandarin C/N-China 12105 25 125 1234567
A12 MOS 1400 1430 Urdu Pakistan 15440 19 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin S-China 13575 22 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1400 1430 Asho Chin Myanmar 11965 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1430 1500 Burmese Myanmar 15715 19 100 1234567
A12 MDC 1430 1530 Malagasy Madagascar 6155 49 50 1234567
A12 SDA 1430 1500 PWO W Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 12065 25 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1430 1500 Afar Djibouti, NE-Ethiopia, Somalia 17605 16 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Telugu S-India 11640 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Mizo NE-India 15690 19 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1500 1530 Turkish Turkey 11880 25 300 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Panjabi N-India 15255 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Nepali Nepal 15595 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1500 1530 Karen Myanmar, Thailand, China 15715 19 125 1234567
A12 SDA 1500 1530 Tamil S-India 11870 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Kannada S-India 11780 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Hindi C-India 15605 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 1530 1600 Malayalam S-India 11870 25 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Hindi N-India 15290 19 250 1234567
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Tibetan Nepal, Tibet 15255 19 250 56
A12 TRM 1530 1600 English Nepal, Tibet 15255 19 250 12347
A12 TRM 1530 1600 Marathi C-India 7410 41 125 1234567
A12 SDA 1600 1630 English C-India 15360 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1600 1630 Urdu N-India 11835 25 125 1234567
A12 MOS 1600 1630 Urdu Pakistan 15260 19 300 1234567
A12 SDA 1600 1630 English S-India 11825 25 100 1234567
A12 WER 1600 1630 Bulgarian Bulgaria 9830 31 100 1234567
A12 TRM 1630 1700 English N-India 11740 25 125 1234567
A12 WER 1630 1700 Somali Somalia 17575 16 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1630 1730 Farsi Iran 15150 19 300 1234567
A12 MEY 1700 1730 Kiswahili Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda 9600 31 250 1234567
A12 WER 1730 1800 Oromo S-Ethiopia 15155 19 250 1234567
A12 WER 1730 1800 Kabyle Morocco, Algeria 15170 19 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1730 1800 Masai Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda 9600 31 250 1234567
A12 MEY 1800 1830 English SW-Africa 3215 90 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1800 1830 English Botswana, S.-Africa, Zimbabwe 3345 90 100 1234567
A12 MEY 1830 1900 English E-Africa 11840 25 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1830 1900 Arabic Libya 11660 25 300 1234567
A12 WER 1900 1930 Wolof Senegal, Gambia 11945 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 1900 2100 Arabic Egypt, Arab Peninsula, Iraq 11605 25 250 1234567
A12 WER 1900 1930 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 MOS 1900 1930 Hausa Nigeria 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 NAU 1900 1930 Fulfulde Cameroon, Ghana, (Senegal) 15205 19 100 1234567
A12 NAU 1900 2000 Arabic Morocco, Algeria 15260 19 100 1234567
A12 WER 1930 2000 Tachelhit Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 WER 1930 2000 Ibo E-Nigeria 15205 19 250 1234567
A12 MOS 1930 2000 French C-Africa 15220 19 300 1234567
A12 MOS 2000 2030 Dyula Burk. Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 WER 2000 2030 French Morocco, Algeria 9765 31 100 1234567
A12 WER 2000 2030 French Cameroon, Niger 17610 16 100 1234567
A12 WER 2030 2100 Yoruba Nigeria 11755 25 100 1234567
A12 MOS 2030 2100 French W-Africa 15155 19 300 1234567
A12 MOS 2100 2130 English W-Africa 11955 25 300 1234567
A12 TRM 2100 2200 Mandarin C/N-China 11750 25 125 123456
A12 TRM 2100 2200 Cantonese C/N-China 11750 25 125 7
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Korean Korea 11790 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Cantonese W-Japan, S-China 15420 19 100 1
A12 SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin W-Japan, S-China 15420 19 100 234567
A12 SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 2200 2230 Javanese W-Indonesia 9545 31 125 135
A12 SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin C/N-China 15215 19 100 1234567
A12 TRM 2200 2230 Sundanese W-Indonesia 9545 31 125 2467
A12 SDA 2230 2300 English W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Vietnamese Vietnam 17670 16 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567
A12 SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin C/N-China 15370 19 100 1234567
TRM: These transmissions from Trincomalee (Perkara, Sri Lanka) temporarily replace transmissions from SDA during the antenna construction phase.
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